GET/POST /public/api/updateuser


Create or update user profile data


Request body: { "APIkey": "Company_APIkey", "data": { "User": [ { "ID": "123", "EmailAddress": "", "FirstName": "FirstName", "LastName": "LastName", "Title": "Title", "PhoneNumber": "PhoneNumber", "Address1": "Address1", "Address2": "Address2", "City": "City", "State": "State", "ZipCode": "ZipCode", "Country": "Country", "Department": "Department", "Currency": "Currency Code", "Disabled": "true/false", "Language": "Language Code" } ], "Permissions": [ { "PermissionDisplayName": "PermissionDisplayName", "PermissionValue": "true/false/null" } ], "Groups": [ { "ID": "123", "GroupTitle": "GroupTitle" } ], "UserDefinedFields": [ { "ID": "123", "UserDefinedFieldTitle": "UserDefinedFieldTitle", "UserDefinedFieldValue": "UserDefinedFieldValue" } ], "GLCodes": [ { "ID": "123", "GLSegmentTitle": "GLSegmentTitle", "GLCodeDefault": "GLCodeTitle" } ], "Authoring": [ { "ID": "123", "EmailAddress": "" } ], "Roles": [ { "ID": "123", "RoleTitle": "RoleTitle" } ] } } * When specifying a user profile using only the "EmailAddress" value, if the user profile is not found, it will be created. * When creating a new user profile, only the following objects and values are mandatory: "data": { "User": [ { "EmailAddress": "", "FirstName": "FirstName", "LastName": "LastName", "Country": "Country", "Currency": "Currency Code" } ] } * "User" object: Only one object is read in the array * "Permissions" object If the "Permissions" object is included, permissions not listed in the array will have their values reset. * "Groups" object A group may be referenced by either it's ID or "GroupTitle" If the "Groups" object is included, the user's membership will be set to only the groups listed in the array. * "UserDefinedFields" object A user defined field may be referenced by either it's ID or "UserDefinedFieldTitle" Only values listed will be update in the user profile. User defined fields not listed will retain their values. * "GLCodes" object A GL Code may be referenced by either it's ID or "GLSegmentTitle" If the "GLCodes" object is included, GL Segments not listed in the array will be reset. * "Authoring" object A user may be referenced by either it's ID or "EmailAddress" If the "Authoring" object is included, only the users listed in the array will be added the the authoring list. All others will be removed. * "Roles" object A role may be referenced by either it's ID or "RoleTitle" If the "Roles" object is included, only the roles listed in the array will be added the the role list. All others will be removed. Response: 200 OK Response body: 123 * The returned value indicates ID of the updated or newly created user profile.